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Privacy policy port lincoln hotel

Privacy Policy

© Copyright Port Lincoln Hotel. All Rights Reserved.

At The Port Lincoln Hotel, we respect the rights of our customers, suppliers, contractors and employees in the performance of our business activities. 

Our commitment to privacy is based on:

Your use of this website is deemed to be acceptance of these privacy policies. If you disagree with the policies set out above, and in more detail below, you should not use this website. When your information may be requested. The Port Lincoln Hotel website is designed to provide visitors with easy online access to information about the products and services we have to offer. It also provides support for our customers and business partners. Much of the content of this site is given freely, and can be viewed anonymously.

However, where a more personalised experience is required – such as secure areas where our business partners can access non-public details – some personal information is required. This is to protect confidential commercial information that we do not wish to share beyond our valued customers, partners and suppliers. It also ensures that those visitors with access to secure areas can be more easily identified, and be provided with a more personalised experience.

Any information we collect will never be sold, given or shared with any third party. It will only be used to:

Whilst we at The Port Lincoln Hotel are committed to protecting your privacy, the nature of the web and the technology it uses is not 100% secure.

Emails and secure areas can be ‘hacked’ by those with the necessary skills.

We do, however, use the latest encryption technology and firewalls are used to protect the information we hold as securely as is possible.

As and when technology improves, we will make use of newer and more secure methods of encryption and protection. We will strive to give you every opportunity to update and access the information we hold.

Where possible, we will give you online access to change and update your details yourself. Where not possible, it may be necessary to contact us directly at The Port Lincoln Hotel.

We will never knowingly send you unsolicited emails (known commonly as ‘SPAM’) when you have not requested them.

When signing up for our e-newsletters, you will be given the option of agreeing to us sending you related information about any or all of the products or services we offer. Checking this option means you agree to us sending you emails from time to time, of a marketing or informational kind.

Leaving the option unchecked means we will not include you in any promotional offers or emails.

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information we hold about you is secure, accurate and up to date.

The Port Lincoln Hotel cannot take responsibility for the privacy policies, conduct or quality of third party websites linked to from this site. Where possible, the content and availability of any sites we have linked to have been checked and read. However, you should check the privacy policies of any third party site before disclosing any personal information.

Please email us if you have any further questions or concerns about your privacy, and our conduct online.